Friday, July 30, 2010

Gentle Soap For Your Baby

Washing your baby is different from washing yourself, your body can stand up better to the natural irritants found in normally manufactured soap. However, a baby's skin is extra-sensitive and therefore needs to be washed accordingly.

The function of soap is obviously to cleanse, but what does that mean? It should suspend particles and oils on the skin so that when washed with water, the skin and dirt comes off more easily. Without it, you would require quite a bit of rubbing to remove oil and dirt from the skin and therefore it is necessary to use some form of soap to get clean.

The best way to find out if a bar will be a good fit for your baby is to do a test-cleaning. On a small portion of your baby, test it out to make sure that there is no reaction to that particular brand or fragrance. Always try to use a mild soap, a soap crafted for a baby (ie. Baby Soap) is perfect. Baby soap is just like regular, however it has fewer additives such as fragrance and anti-microbials. While a strong scent may be perfect for you, the fragrance can be harmful to your baby, so pick a soap with mild or no fragrance.
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